Assemblies and Newsletters

School Assemblies

These are held fortnightly on Fridays throughout the year in the undercover assembly area. Classes present items at these assemblies which commence at 2.00 pm and take approximately 30 minutes. We look forward to as many parents and relatives as possible attending. Parents are welcome to a light afternoon tea outside the staffroom at 1.30pm on the day of assembly.


As well as assemblies, we will keep you informed about school activities through the newsletter, issued fortnightly on Fridays. The newsletter is the school’s official communication to parents and it will be sent to parents by email. Please complete a student update form, available at the front office, if your email address (or other contact details) have changed.  You are also able to see a copy of the newsletter on Connect (if you are a member of our school community) or please click here to view our current newsletter.