Chaplain and AIEO

Our school has a non-denominational Chaplain/Student Well Being Officer. Our Chaplaincy Program encompasses the whole School Community, including having our Chaplain working with our students as well as being available to have a cuppa and a chat with parents/guardians if they have any worries or issues that they'd like an impartial ear for.  Our current School Chaplain, Denise Head works on a Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Denise has returned to Queens Park and would love to touch base with you.  Ms Head will be running various programs to support social and emotional and peer skills with our students.

The school also employs an Aboriginal Islander Education Officer. Our AIEO works with our Aboriginal and Islander students and families to nurture cultural identity and support school engagement and attendance, and works with staff to promote and facilitate curriculum aligned education about our rich Aboriginal history.   Our AIEO Miss M - Lena Mayhew - works on a Wednesday and Thursday - she'd be happy to catch up and discuss anything you need.  Lena's cultural background is Torres Strait Islander/Australian and her language is Meriam Mir.